Friday, October 29, 2010

Big News Here:

i'm getting married. last week, my boyfriend of three years became my fiance. this came a day after finding out that because i changed my major, i still have another 2.5 years to go. yes, i know what you're thinking because everyone seems to be concerned that i'm not going to finish school. but i'm here to set the record straight.

i have no intentions to slow down in school and especially no intentions to quit. 

here are the facts: my school is pretty much paid for. why would i not finish? it doesn't make sense to quit, and i'm definitely not one to take advantage of that free education.

also, i'm lucky enough to have a very supportive future husband. we have set a budget that works without me working in the fall/spring while i'm in school. but i have also become a pro at scheduling so that i am only in class three days a week. with that i could easily work another two days and bring in at least enough money to put in savings. during the summer, i have to take classes to finish on time, but it's easy to find classes online which would make it easy to work at least 20 hours a week in the summer.

it's just getting frustrating being told how important my degree is when i have absolutely no intentions of giving that degree up. i would hate for people's fears of me not finishing school to affect our future marriage.