Friday, July 9, 2010


i am a student at the university of north texas.
this is after transferring once already.
by years, i am a junior.
years don't really matter in college tho.
it's all determined by hours.
and i have 99 of those hours.
99 long, painful hours. that's 33 classes. approx. 6 semesters. 3 years.
i've been working on my college degree for 3 years. (2 years in actual college, 1 year in high school).
so technically i am a senior.
and guess what i'm doing for the third time since i started college 2 years ago.
i'm changing my major.
not only am i changing my degree, i'm going to a pretty extreme end from what i was at just like i did the second time.
so this is a blog that follows my endeavor to hopefully finally find out what it is i want to do with my life.
and maybe, just maybe i can finish school.

here's the detailed story:
i started at howard payne univ. it's a small private baptist school.
not my finest decision. talk about confining. there was nothing to do there except become a youth minister. everything else was pretty much worthless. so i obviously was itching to leave by october of my freshman year. i did make it through the whole year. and transferred to unt in may, began classes in june.

i began at hpu as a journalism major. that lasted about 2 days. then i changed to good ol' english cause i liked to write and the journalism dept. at hpu was being phased out which left about 3 classes to take for my major.
little did i know at the time that just blogging would satisfy that desire.
anyways, i realized that english at hpu would get me nowhere, hence my transfer which i already covered.

it wasn't til after a semester at unt that i discovered it wasn't just hpu that held me back in my degree; it was my degree in general. what does a person do with an english degree besides teach, and i definitely didn't want to teach english to a bunch of unappreciative high schoolers.
that's when i randomly went through the unt course catalog and basically closed my eyes and pointed at a new major. it wasn't quite like that, but it might as well have been.
my major for the semester was: fashion merchandising.

what does that entail you ask?
lots of pissy retail work.
i just thought i would get to look at clothes all day and dress all cute for work. boy, was i wrong. i took a semester of classes in fashion merch and my new minor of business foundations. that semester was so painful, that i look back now and it feels like it took years. the worst point is that i enjoyed it for that semester. it wasn't until my summer classes that i realized i was slowly killing myself. i took my professionalism class preparing me for my internship. let me tell you, i have never seen such tired looking professionals. we had guest speakers every week, and their lessons consisted of what i feel was hidden coding meant to convince us to run. they said things like "oh this is the best industry ever," but i feel like they were really saying "get the hell outta here while you still can, and don't look back. cute clothes are not worth it." those are the words that stuck in my head anyways, and i got out. well, i finished at least, but alas, here i am beginning my blog about the rest of my life in college and how i'm going to change my major once more.
so to catch up, i went from journalism-->english-->fashion merch.-->?

i know exactly what i'm changing my career goal to, but you don't yet blog. but that's for next time.


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